We are pleased to announce Information Technology Services, in conjunction with the Educational Technology team, is preparing to change our learning management system from Blackboard to Canvas, as per faculty’s recommendation. In order to ensure a successful transition, we have established a preliminary structure that will be key in ensuring that the implementation process goes smoothly. 

  1. Timeline

Due to current contract constraints with Blackboard, the following implementation timeline has been established. As the project progresses and we receive input from stakeholders, this timeline may change and become more detailed. Updates will be viewable at http://at.fscj.edu/canvas/timeline/.

Major Milestones

Summer 2018: Build the Canvas environment and its integrations into PeopleSoft. 

Fall 2018/Spring 2019: Transition Team begins documenting best practices for LMS. Targeted training for trainers, transition team, early adopters, then open to all faculty/staff. Blackboard course content migration process underway.

Fall 2019/Spring 2020: Faculty begin teaching in Canvas.  

May 2020: All classes live in Canvas. Blackboard contract ends and is no longer available.

  1. Communication

As is true with any major change, communication will be the key to success. Therefore, we have created a site that will provide updated information as it relates to the project. The site will include information about the project’s progress, as well as opportunities for faculty and staff to raise concerns and ask questions that they have about the implementation process and outcomes. 

To visit the Canvas Transition site, visit http://at.fscj.edu/canvasatfscj/.

  1. Transition Team

With a project such as this there are many moving pieces; therefore, it is in the best interest of the college to create a transition team that will be representative of the many groups that use the LMS in their work daily. This team will be responsible for communicating the needs and concerns of the group that they represent, as well as setting policies for the use of the new LMS. This team will meet monthly, or as necessary though out the process. 

The members will include:

  • Faculty Senate Representative (TBA)
  • Wayne Francis (Academic Technology Committee)
  • Ian Vanhoof & Bea Harrison (Center for eLearning)
  • Steven Gunter (Training and Organizational Development)
  • Collin Bardakjy (Information Technology Help Desk)
  • Shannon Dew (Library Services + Curriculum and Instruction)
  • Ujjwal Chakraborty (Academics AA/LAS)
  • Ernie Friend (Academics BS/BCTE)
  • Erin Richman (Student Services)
  • Karen Arlington (Workforce)
  • Marketing and Communications (TBA)
  • Student Representative (TBA)
  • Michael Smith (Multimedia Integrations and Training Production)
  • Allen Dunn (PeopleSoft Implementation)
  • Pete Snell (Authentication)
  • Robyn Reese (LMS Administration)
  • Brandi Bleak (Educational Technology)
  • Rusty Gardner (Academic Technology)

Brandi Bleak will be the point of contact during this project. If you have any questions, please contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are anticipating a smooth transition as we move forward with this critical project. 


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