The Third Annual Faculty Colloquium Recap

Our Third Faculty Colloquium began Friday morning with Gold Medal Olympian Shannon Miller's inspiring stories of meeting goals through determination and team work. During lunch we recognized our Distinguished Faculty Award recipients and our Distinguished Adjunct award recipient, and Dr. Sarah Kiefer encouraged us to find new ways to motivate our students.

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The Second Annual Adjunct Academy Program


The Academy for Teaching and Learning hosted the Second Annual Adjunct Academy Program during fall and spring this year. The purpose of the program is to assist Adjunct Faculty with development in competency areas that promote effective instruction and student success. Seventeen participants completed the 2018-2019 Adjunct Academy which culminated with a Capstone on April 13th during which participants gave presentations developed from their professional development experiences this year. Participants plan on remaining a cohort throughout their professional journey at FSCJ!

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The Third Annual Faculty Colloquium


Join us at The Academy for Teaching and Learning's Third Annual Faculty Colloquium on April 12, 2019 at 8am to 3pm. Lunch will be provided for those who register in advance. Click here to reserve your ticket for lunch through EventBrite.

To learn more about the event, download the program:

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