CRRSA Professional Development Program


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government provided FSCJ with Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) funds. FSCJ used these funds to provide employees with financial compensation for professional development related to the pandemic and enhancing online education.

From June 8, 2021 - February 28, 2022, all full-time faculty and staff had an opportunity to complete 40 hours of professional development for a maximum payout of $2,000. That figure works out to $50 per hour of professional development. Please note, these funds are considered taxable income.


  • Course Eligibility

    Only full-time faculty and staff are eligible for the CRRSA Professional Development Program.

    We have a wide variety of eligible workshops for this funding and have designated staff-specific workshops in myLearning with the “COV” course prefix. We have designated faculty-specific workshops with the “FCOV” course prefix. For this program, employees should engage in professional development courses that they have not previously completed. Only courses with the “COV” or “FCOV” prefix that are completed between June 8, 2021 and February 28, 2022 are eligible for funding. To view a list of these courses, click in the left hand navigation.

    Courses taken prior to June 8th and courses with the “PD” prefix are ineligible for CRRSA funding. Additionally, “COV” and “FCOV” courses are not eligible for the One Percent Incentive.

    In addition to the currently available courses, we look forward to expanding the opportunities for all faculty and staff to engage in meaningful professional development throughout the remainder of this project.

    Please note, this is a voluntary opportunity, and these courses should be completed in addition to your regular duties for the College. Many of the asynchronous courses can be completed during your time off, including Fridays during the summer schedule. Please work with your supervisor regarding your schedule for any live online workshops offered during your regular work hours.

  • Program Timeline

    Only COV/FCOV courses that are completed between June 8, 2021 and February 28, 2022 are eligible for this program.

    The funds will be paid out in two installments:
    (1) 2nd paycheck in November for hours completed between June 8th - October 31st
    (2) 2nd paycheck in March for hours completed between November 1st - February 28th

    Employees will receive a total equal to the number of hours completed, up to the maximum of 40 hours. For example, if an employee completes 10 hours, the employee will receive $500.

  • COV Courses for Staff

    Course Title Hours Modality
    COV 3173 Best Practices for Working Remotely Online 2 Online
    COV 1275 Healthy Habits for Covid-19 1 Online
    COV 1280 Virtual Advising 2 Online
    COV 1469 Faculty and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing 1.5 Online
    COV 1345 Transitioning to On-Campus Work 2.5 Online
    COV 3181 Leading and Managing a Virtual Team Effectively 1 Online
    COV 7630 Crisis Management in Student Services 2 Live Online
    COV 1506 The Big Transition Returning to Our Workspace 1 Online
    COV 1448 Video Conferencing Etiquette 1 Online
    COV 5221 Successfully Using Emotional Intelligence 1.5 Live Online
    COV 1373 Uncharted Territory: Faculty Testing Options During COVID-19 1 Live Online
    COV 1399 Personal Librarians: Embed a Librarian in Your Canvas Courses 1 Live Online
    COV 1348 Treading Water Through the COVID-19 Storm 1 Online
    COV 1283 Leading in Stressful Changing Times 1 Online
    COV 3177 Establishing Emotional Balance 1 Online
    COV 1425 Managing Time and Setting Boundaries 1 Online
    COV 1285 Preparing for the New Normal 1 Online
    COV 5064 Balancing Work and Family Life 1 Online
    COV 1286 Leading the Way Forward 1 Online
    COV 1456 Setting “Realistic” Goals for a New Kind of Year 1 Online
    COV 1481 Quarantine Fatigue: Coping with Burnout 1 Online
    COV 1277 Mental and Physical Health: Making the Connection 1 Online
    COV 5062 Stress Management 1 Live Online
    COV 5116 Resiliency: Secrets of Successful Employees 1 Live Online
    COV 4061 Settling Employees in Unsettling Times 1 Live Online
    COV 1281 Caring for the Caregiver 1 Live Online
    COV 1282 Emotional Well Being for Employees 1 Live Online
    COV 1455 Managing Mental Health & Employee Well-Being 1 Live Online
    COV 5149 Coping with Change 1 Live Online
    COV 5182 Working Through Stressful Changing Times 1 Live Online
    COV 3180 Introduction to Microsoft Teams Workshop 1 Online
    COV 1352 MS Teams - Tools to Save Time and Improve Processes 1 Online
    COV 1353 Using Lists in MS Teams 1 Online
    COV 1290 Advanced MS Teams 1.5 Online
    COV 3114 Canvas at FSCJ: Basic Training 1 Online
    COV 1102 Canvas Studio 2 Online
    COV 5320 Canvas: Using Conferences 1 Online
    COV 1302 Cisco Webex Meetings Training 1 Online
    COV 1387 Webex Events 1 Live Online
    COV 1385 Webex Basics 1 Live Online
    COV 1386 Webex Advanced 1 Live Online
    COV 1417 Using Stephen Covey's 7 Habits To Be Successful in a Pandemic and Beyond 1 Live Online
    COV 1530 High Performance Teams in a Remote Workforce 1 Online
    COV 1529 Telework and Telecommuting 1 Online
    COV 1518 Strategies for Returning to the Office and Your Post-Pandemic Commute 1 Online
    COV 1515 Mental Health Support in the Workplace 1 Online
    COV 1284 Managing the COVID-19 Protocols for Supervisors 1 Live Online
    COV 1524 What Do You Know About Ableism? 3 Live Online
    COV 1273 Discovering Resilience 1 Online
    COV 1593 Improving Overall Well-being: The Mind-Body Connection 1 Live Online
    COV 1594 Finding Balance in a Digitally-Driven World 1 Live Online
    COV 1595 Returning to our Workspaces: Setting Up a Successful Transition 1 Live Online
    COV 3174 Managing Telecommuting at FSCJ 1 Live Online
    COV 1416 Managing Hybrid Teams 1 Live Online

    *Please Note: Although we strive to maintain an accurate list of all currently offered courses, these courses are regularly updated and their availability should be verified in myLearning. We will continuously add new courses to this list, so check back often!

  • FCOV Courses for Faculty

    Effective Online Student Engagement (EOSE) Workshops
    These research-based workshops were developed at the beginning of the pandemic to support the development of quality, online teaching strategies.

    Course Title Hours Modality
    FCOV 3192 EOSE: Engaging Course Design 2 Online
    FCOV 3193 EOSE: Engaging Students Synchronously 2 Online
    FCOV 3194 EOSE Engaging Students Asynchronously 2 Online
    FCOV 3195 EOSE: Meaningful Online Assessment 2 Online

    Active Learning Certificate
    This certificate provides professional development focused on engaging students through active learning practices.

    Complete 7 hours of required courses:

    Course Title Hours Modality
    FCOV 3048 Andragogy and Metacognition: Using Research to Guide Your Teaching 2 Online
    FCOV 3304 Active Learning Practicum 2 Online
    FCOV 3533 Integrating Service Learning into Your Classes 3 Online

    Complete 10 hours of elective courses:

    Course Title Hours Modality
    FCOV 6799 Engaging Students Through Mastery Learning 2 Online
    FCOV 6797 Constructivist Learning: Encouraging Students 2 Online
    FCOV 3091 Classroom Assessment Techniques 2 Online
    FCOV 5305 Approaches to Gamifying Learning 2 Online
    FCOV 3154 Webb's DOK 2 Online
    FCOV 5216 Improving Students Research Habits 2 Online
    FCOV 3192 EOSE: Engaging Course Design 2 Online
    FCOV 3108 Classroom Mgmt Techniques 2 Online

    Additional Workshops

    Course Title Hours Modality
    FCOV 1373 Uncharted Territory: Faculty Testing Options During COVID-19 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1399 Personal Librarians: Embed a Librarian in Your Canvas Courses 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1405 Discussion Board Technology in the Twenty-First Century: Introducing Packback 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1368 Creating Active Content with Genially 1 Live Online
    FCOV 7630 Crisis Management in Student Services 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1506 The Big Transition Returning to Our Workspace 1 Online
    FCOV 1448 Video Conferencing Etiquette 1 Online
    FCOV 5062 Stress Management 1 Live Online
    FCOV 5116 Resiliency: Secrets of Successful Employees 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1282 Emotional Well Being for Employees 1 Live Online
    FCOV 5149 Coping with Change 1 Live Online
    FCOV 5182 Working Through Stressful Changing Times 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1387 Webex Events 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1385 Webex Basics 1 Live Online
    FCOV 1386 Webex Advanced 1 Live Online
    FCOV 3114 Canvas at FSCJ: Basic Training 1 Online
    FCOV 1102 Canvas Studio 2 Online
    FCOV 5320 Canvas: Using Conferences 1 Online
    FCOV 3180 Introduction to Microsoft Teams Workshop 1 Online
    FCOV 1352 MS Teams - Tools to Save Time and Improve Processes 1 Online
    FCOV 1353 Using Lists in MS Teams 1 Online
    FCOV 1290 Advanced MS Teams 1.5 Online
    FCOV 1302 Cisco Webex Meetings Training 1 Online
    FCOV 3173 Best Practices for Working Remotely 2 Online
    FCOV 1275 Healthy Habits for Covid-19 1 Online
    FCOV 1280 Virtual Advising 2 Online
    FCOV 1469 Faculty and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing 1.5 Online
    FCOV 1348 Treading Water Through the COVID-19 Storm 1 Online
    FCOV 3177 Establishing Emotional Balance 1 Online
    FCOV 1425 Managing Time and Setting Boundaries 1 Online
    FCOV 1285 Preparing for the New Normal 1 Online
    FCOV 5064 Balancing Work and Family Life 1 Online
    FCOV 1481 Quarantine Fatigue: Coping with Burnout 1 Online
    FCOV 1277 Mental and Physical Health: Making the Connection 1 Online
    FCOV 5308 Alternative Assessments to Proctored Exams 1 Live
    FCOV 1457 How Live-Online Experience Will Change Our Teaching 1 Live
    FCOV 1524 What Do You Know About Ableism? 3 Live Online
    FCOV 1273 Discovering Resilience 1 Online
    FCOV 4101 How Can I Create a Meaningful Online Learning Experience for Students? (20-Minute Mentor Series) 0.5 Online
    FCOV 4102 How Can I Effectively Move Peer Reviews Online? (20-Minute Mentor Series) 0.5 Online
    FCOV 4103 How Can I Help Students Who Are Struggling with Online Learning? (20-Minute Mentor Series) 0.5 Online
    FCOV 4104 How Can I Incorporate Best Practices into My Online Teaching? (20-Minute Mentor Series) 0.5 Online
    FCOV 3309 Quality Matters Rubric Training 8 Online

    *Please Note: Although we strive to maintain an accurate list of all currently offered courses, these courses are regularly updated and their availability should be verified in myLearning. We will continuously add new courses to this list, so check back often!

  • How to Get Started

    Use the following steps to enroll in the available COV or FCOV courses. We look to continuously increase the list of courses as additional opportunities become available. To enroll:

    1. Click the button below to log into myLearning and view the courses that are currently available for this program:

    COV Courses for Staff

    FCOV Courses for Faculty

    2. Hover your cursor over any course card. Click the "Enroll" or “View Session” button. Then click “Register.”

    location of search bar

  • How to Track Completions

    To track your completion of this certificate program, log into myLearning ( and view the courses listed under the “Completed” section on the myLearning tab. From there you can add up the number of CRRSA Hours listed in the course titles. Note: To see the full course titles and hours, click the View icon at the top right of the screen and select “List”.

    location of search bar

    *Please note that many of our courses are labeled as “Programs” in myLearning. Programs are courses that contain multiple learning items, such as “Course Content,” “Modules,” and/or “Assignments.” When you complete those learning items, they will show as “Completed” on your myLearning tab. However, the course is not complete until the entire Program is complete. Once you have completed all learning items, the Program will then show as “Completed” and display the CRRSA Hours in the title. You will only receive credit for courses listed in the Completed section of your myLearning tab that display CRRSA hours in the title.

    To receive the CRRSA Professional Development funds you do not need to submit anything additional to Training and Organizational Development (TOD). On the dates noted in the above "Overview" section, TOD will pull all faculty and staff transcripts in myLearning and send your completed hours to payroll.

    If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: I previously took one of the eligible courses, but it has the PD prefix. Can the PD version of the course count toward the CRRSA Professional Development Program?
    A: No. Only courses that have the COV/FCOV prefix that are completed between June 8th and February 28th count toward the CRRSA Professional Development Program. We encourage employees to take COV/FCOV classes that they have not completed previously.

    Q: I am currently in the middle of completing an asynchronous PD course, but I see a COV/FCOV option for this same course. I would rather complete the COV/FCOV version of the course. Can I drop the PD course and add the COV/FCOV course?
    A: Yes. To drop a course in myLearning, select the “View” icon in the upper right and select “List”. Then click the “X” and select “Remove”. If you do not see an “X” next to a course that you want to remove, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to have the course manually removed.

    Q: If an employee completes a professional development course offered by an external organization, will those hours count towards the CRRSA program? Or is the funding only available for in-house COV and FCOV professional development courses?
    A: Only courses that are COV or FCOV are eligible, but we would consider a course from an external vendor (like EAP), if the course is available to all employees and meets the CRRSA guidelines.

    Q: Will completed courses get automatically reported to payroll for compensation, or is some sort of submission from employees required?
    A: Training and Organizational Development will provide Payroll with a report of completions. Employees must simply complete the courses. Only courses that are listed under the “Completed” section in myLearning will be reported to Payroll. Courses listed under “Required” or “Added by You” are incomplete and will not be reported to Payroll.

    Q: If I complete all 40 hours between June 8 – October 31 will the entire payout get divided into two paychecks?
    A: No. If you complete all 40 hours before October 31st, you will be issued the entire amount at one time, in November.

    Q: Can I work on CRRSA Professional Development while I’m on FMLA?
    A: Employees who are on FMLA are not permitted to enroll in the CRRSA Professional Development program. However, employees will be credited for any CRRSA hours they earned before and after their FMLA status.

    Q: Are staff required to make up time that is used to take these courses? For example, if there is a course from 1pm-2pm on Thursday, will we need to make up that hour for our actual work?
    A: This is something that should be discussed with your supervisor.

    Q: Do I have to get all the questions right in the CRRSA Professional Development courses in order to pass?
    A: Yes. For the CRRSA Professional Development Program, employees must earn 100% on the course quiz to pass.