FSCJ's Fourth Annual Science Symposium - Register Today!

Greetings, Colleagues,

Take out your calendar and register today for FSCJ's Fourth Annual Science Symposium: From Root2STEM. We invite you to our virtual event to be held on Friday, October 15, 2021, from 9 am - 12:30 pm. Please submit your proposal and plan to be part of this free event for all northeast Florida educators! You won't want to miss this!

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Knowing How & Where To Refer Students

After collaborative conversations among academic and student services, the BRIDGES Title III Grant Program has developed an intervention pathway document. This resource is designed to increase coordination and efficiency to help faculty and staff provide consistency of care to our FSCJ students.

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Smarter Proctoring Resources

SmarterProctoring is a proctoring system that manages and organizes proctoring in multiple modalities-- including automated, live online, and in-person. It is conveniently located inside the Canvas LMS dashboard. To become more familiar with utilizing SmarterProctoring, check out the following training resources, shared by Academic Operations:

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Teaching Synchronously

During the troubling times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the transition from face-to-face to online teaching can present great challenges in engagement due to the obstacles that students and faculty face in regard to computer device, software, internet, delivery of educational content, instructional support, and learner assessment issues. The Academy for Teaching and Learning places great, concerted effort and focus on addressing these challenges in order to contribute to improved effectiveness in teaching and learning at FSCJ.

On April 30th, 2020, The Academy hosted an "Engage Students Synchronously" event. This event featured a series a workshops in Canvas Conferences on how to improve student engagement. The event garnered 150 participants and yielded over 400 enrollments in its 8 workshops. Below you will find the recorded workshops.

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